
When it was announced in December 2010 that Summerwine Jive was to be no more, a group of us decided to do something about it. We were concerned that Holmfirth would be losing a valuable asset and so formed VibeJive in February 2011.

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News Feed

May 15, 2012

Bulletin - 16th May 2012

Hello VibeJivers!! We have a fun filled evening awaiting you at Holmfirth:-

This week DIANE is taking Beginners and the three moves are FAB — First Move, Armjive and Basket. For the Intermediate session we have ERIC AND SANDRA giving one of their most entertaining and informative routines—its always fun!

We look forward to seeing you there — you know we VibeJivers - every night’s a party night!! Talking of parties, we are now giving our Summer event some thought so come on you lot, let’s have your ideas. Where would you like to go, what form would you like the evening to take? Do you want to get all dressed up again, or do you want to do fancy dress? Do you want to have a party an another venue like 315 or would you prefer a party along the lines of the Anniversary Party in February? Jot down any ideas and pass them onto the desk or email me [email protected] with your thoughts.

£6.00 for a night out with friends -- it is SUCH GOOD VALUE - everything’s going up but not VibeJive…..and remember, every 10TH VISIT IS FREE!!! Know anyone who would like to learn how to dance and have FUN at the same time? What are you waiting for…….it’s VIBEJIVE TIME!!!

PS: Back to Brambles Wine Bar for those who have the energy - Come on, you know you love it!!!